I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season! The opportunity to relax and spend time with friends and family is (usually) an enjoyable experience. I cannot say I did much relaxing these past few weeks; however, it was very productive to have a few weeks off to focus both my day and the night on Knight Works.
At the beginning of each new year, I like to reflect on the past with one thing on my mind. I see each year as a 365-page book. How each of us writes that book is, for the most part, up to us. I have to be horribly honest… 2015 was a stressful year for Knight Works, to say the least. Changes and personal issues not only affected me but many other people who help with the company. I will not go into detail, but some of the more stressful family/personal issues in life have affected almost everyone here. I have seen this lead to other indie companies closing shop. But, at Knight Works we have pushed through and we are standing strong for 2016.
So… with the book of 2015 finished and the last page written 10 days ago, a new book has begun for 2016. I have positive thoughts moving forward. The future seems bright (no shades required) and I forsee great things are coming. The accomplishments and work that we set out to do last year have come to fruition, albeit a bit later than I expected.
We pushed past our road blocks from the 2015 Summer/Fall timeframe, and production began a few months ago. The rule books, for both games, were the last important items on our plates. I am proud to say those are nearly finished and I present the final draft of both books to you. Unfortunately, the manufacturer needs these files soon, so if you would like to comment on either rule book, I will need something back by Tuesday evening (Jan 12). I appreciate any help you can offer and I cannot promise that all of your feedback will be used. But, if you notice something in the rules that you feel needs attention, please let us know!
Hands in the Sea – Final Draft Rule Book
Forged in Steel – Final Draft Rule Book
Production is moving forward smoothly. Concerning the time-frame for fulfillment, I cannot comment in detail until we get to the international shipping phase, but I feel we are still on track for a no “BS” spring release. As soon as we receive final samples and production photos I will make sure to share those with you. Finally, I will be sending out Surveys through Kickstarter shortly. This is in preparation of launching our Pledge Management in 3-4 weeks.
From everyone at Knight Works, we wish you a wonderful 2016!

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” – William Arthur Ward